CUSTOM RAL - HexArt Flexible Paint Aerosol (400ml)
HexArt is the flexible aerosol addition to the HexPaints range, developed by Poly-Props Ltd.
HexArt provides a smooth, flexible and tough paint coating for flexible surfaces such as foams and plastics, along with acting as a general paint for harder surfaces as well.
1- Be sure that surfaces are primed! HexArt works at it's best when a surface has a flexible primer, such asĀ SEAL Prime.
2- Shake can for at least one minute before use.
3- Clear nozzle by spraying can upside down, this will reduce nozzle clogging.
4- Spray in VERY light cross coats at a distance of 20cm from surface. Leave to dry for 10-15 minutes between coats.
5- For best pigmentation performance, shake can between coats.
6- When masking, remove the tape before product is fully dry.