Is there a faster shipping method?
In some cases, we are able to offer faster shipping if you email info@poly-props.com.
We can not guarantee that every request will be possible, but we strive to bring the best service possible.
I have had a failed delivery, I want to make a complaint.
We truly wish we had more control over shipping companies, however, they are an external service, and we have no control over them.
Over the past three years, we have used Hermes, Parcel force, UKMail and DHL with minimal issues. If there is an issue with your delivery, we will of course try our best to help resolve it if you contact us. What we cannot do, however, is issue refunds or send new items, purely because the delivery driver had a recorded failed delivery.
If the delivery company falls beyond the service standard expected, we require full details, so we can probe an investigation, and file complaints to the shipping company.
I have received my foam, but I haven't received any other items. When will I get them?
Please make sure you fully open your foam package, as there are usually items inside with additional packaging. If there are any other packages to be received and have not arrived alongside the other items, please contact us at info@poly-props.com
I have a small store/studio, can I sell your products?
We have a wide range of open and closed branded items. You will find that our prices are very competitive and a support that will help your business grow.
Are there MOQ's (Minimum order quantities) in place?
We offer initial orders with no MOQ in place, to help you gauge if stocking our products is right for you! Of course, the more stock you purchase, the cheaper the cost is. If you would like to discuss how our business can help you, email sales@poly-props.com
I have a store and really want to focus on my own brand. Can I buy your products and brand myself?
Absolutely. Branding is important and we will always support yours. Our closed brand products, such as the HexPaints range, cannot be re-branded. What we can offer, is clays, sealers, aerosols, resins, foams and glues unlabelled so you can brand them yourself.
Collaboration / Sponsorship
Can you sponsor my next build?
This request hits our mail box daily, and is difficult to respond in a way that doesn't upset anyone. The short answer is; No, we will not sponsor your build. If you need to ask the question, the probability of receiving free materials and funds is very low.
However, we DO offer materials and sponsorship from individuals that engage in the community, tag us in all their progress and often share their project plans. We often want to see projects happen, so we will reach out and offer some assistance!
How can I become a Crafting Legend?
The Crafting Legends picked up a fair bit of traction as they were formally recognised by pop-culture event giants MCMComicCon and Reed-Pop. Crafting Legends are likely to be invited to a wide range of events, given stage time and heavy discounts on our product lines. Choosing a Legend is fairly easy; If you post regular (add #craftinglegend), get involved in the community and have a strong focus on helping others, you may find yourself to be a potential Legend.
Would you like to attend our event?
Big or small, we love to attend events. Saying that, our event calendar gets full, fast, and our events budget is rather stretched! If you would like to discuss your event and how we can help, email us info@poly-props.com.